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Terms & Conditions

Terms and Conditions


1. Introduction


a. The YB Foundation ("Foundation") was established on 4th December 2022 in honor of Yvan Buravan. The Foundation is a common-benefit foundation dedicated to continuing Yvan Buravan's legacy and developing a broad awareness and appreciation for Rwanda's culture among the Rwandan youth. Our mission is to inspire the youth to take the lead in maintaining Rwanda's cultural identity, improve their well-being, and contribute to the country's sustainable development.


2. Events


a. Event Participation:


Participants attending Foundation-organized events must comply with all event rules and guidelines.

The Foundation reserves the right to deny entry or remove any participant from an event for disruptive behavior or failure to adhere to event regulations.


b. Event Cancellation or Rescheduling:


In the event of an unforeseen circumstance, the Foundation may cancel or reschedule an event. Registered participants will be notified through the contact information provided during registration.

If an event is canceled, the Foundation will make reasonable efforts to refund the ticket price or offer the option to transfer the ticket to a rescheduled date.


3. Cancer Awareness


a. Donations and Fundraising:


All donations made to the Foundation's cancer awareness programs are non-refundable.

The Foundation appreciates the generosity of donors in supporting our cancer awareness initiatives.


4. Purchase


If you wish to purchase any product or service made available through, you may be asked to supply certain information relevant to your Purchase including but not limited to, your credit or debit card number, the expiration date of your card, your shipping address.

You represent and warrant that: (i) you have the legal right to use any card(s) or other payment method(s) in connection with any Purchase; and that (ii) the information you supply to us is true, correct and complete.


We may employ the use of third party services for the purpose of facilitating payment and the completion of Purchases. By submitting your information, you grant us the right to provide the information to these third parties subject to our Privacy Policy. We reserve the right to refuse or cancel your order at any time for reasons including but not limited to: product or service availability, errors in the description or price of the product or service, error in your order or other reasons. We reserve the right to refuse or cancel your order if fraud or an unauthorized or illegal transaction is suspected.


5. Twaje Culture Academy


a. Course Enrollment:


Participants enrolling in Twaje Cultural Academy courses acknowledge that course fees are non-refundable once the enrollment process is completed.

Exceptions to this policy may be considered in exceptional circumstances at the Foundation's sole discretion.


6. Intellectual Property


a. All content, materials, and intellectual property used by the Foundation, including but not limited to logos, graphics, text, and multimedia, are the property of the Foundation. Unauthorized use, reproduction, or distribution of these materials is strictly prohibited.


7. Content


Our Service allows you to post, link, store, share and otherwise make available certain

information, text, graphics, videos, or other material (“Content”). You are responsible for

Content that you post on or through Service, including its legality, reliability, and



By posting Content on or through Service, you represent and warrant that: (i) Content is yours

(you own it) and/or you have the right to use it and the right to grant us the rights and license as

provided in these Terms, and (ii) that the posting of your Content on or through Service does not

violate the privacy rights, publicity rights, copyrights, contract rights or any other rights of any

person or entity. We reserve the right to terminate the account of anyone found to be infringing

on a copyright notice.


You retain any and all of your rights to any Content you submit, post or display on or through

Service and you are responsible for protecting those rights. We take no responsibility and assume no liability for Content you or any third party posts on or through Service. However, by posting Content using Service you grant us the right and license to use, modify, publicly perform, publicly display, reproduce, and distribute such Content on and through Service.


You agree that this license includes the right for us to make your Content available to other users of Service, who may also use your Content subject to these Terms.

YB FOUNDATION has the right but not the obligation to monitor and edit all Content provided by users.


In addition, Content found on or through this Service are the property of YB FOUNDATION or used with permission. You may not distribute, modify, transmit, reuse, download, repost, copy, or use said Content, whether in whole or in part, for commercial purposes or for personal gain, without express advance written permission from us.


8. Modifications and Updates


a. The Foundation reserves the right to modify or update these terms and conditions at any time without prior notice. Updated terms will be posted on the Foundation's official website and will apply to all future transactions and interactions.


9. Copyright Policy


We respect the intellectual property rights of others. It is our policy to respond to any claim that Content posted on Service infringes on the copyright or other intellectual property rights (“Infringement”) of any person or entity. If you are a copyright owner, or authorized on behalf of one, and you believe that the copyrighted work has been copied in a way that constitutes copyright infringement, please submit your claim via email to , with the subject line : “Copyright Infringement” and include in your claim a detailed description of the alleged Infringement as detailed below, under “DMCA Notice and Procedure for Copyright Infringement Claims” You may be held accountable for damages (including costs and attorneys’ fees) for misrepresentation or bad-faith claims on the infringement of any Content found on and/or through Service on your copyright.


10. Governing Law


a. These terms and conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Rwanda. Any disputes arising from or related to these terms shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Rwanda.


11. Contact Information


For any inquiries or concerns related to these terms and conditions, please contact:


YB Foundation

Address: KN 16 ST Kiyovu


Phone: 0788 319 622


The above terms and conditions provide a starting point for YB Foundation's policies. It is crucial to tailor them further based on the specific activities, programs, and requirements of the Foundation. Additionally, consider seeking legal advice to ensure the terms are legally sound and in compliance with relevant laws and regulations.

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